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Goals For 2022

Well, Covid-19 continued to put a kink in to a lot of our original plans but like everyone else we have adapted to do what we can. Then in summer 2021 the CDC placed an import ban on dogs from a number of in need countries. We just keep rolling and helping whoever we can. 

Through 2021 we ran more like a traditional rescue group. Over 84! animals found their forever homes! We were able to have time to make connections with other groups throughout the United States and abroad. Have some challenges and some successes. 

In 2022 we hope to add back in our passion, which is special volunteer projects. Our hearts are with those in their home areas doing the very best they can to help animals with very little means and support. We want to assist and promote these animal warriors to show that their work matters, and they are making a difference in their community.

We are still doing traditional rescuing (check our adoptables page) and in addition a few special things are in the works:

1. Throughout the year we sponsored spay/neuter clinics in Turkey and Mexico. We will continue to sponsor these clinics whenever we can as they are the foundation to less stray and in need animals. 

2. We were able to help animals find homes from TX, CA, WA, MX, Turkey, Oman and China. The CDC ban prevents helping many countries right now, but we are hopeful once the government has a chance to revamp their system, (that was being abused by unscrupulous "rescues"). that restriction will be lifted. We continue to help animals across the U.S. 

3. Thanks to our generous donors We were able to help pups who needed major medical prior to adoption. We will continie to take on those cases and give those pups a second chance.

4. We hope to travel to Costa Rica and Croatia, to rural rescues, to volunteer our services along with bringing needed supplies and exposure to the dogs ready for adoption.

If you are interested in more information about our goals and plans and would like to become a sponsor please email Jenn at 

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